Winnebago Presbytery Resources

Winnebago Presbytery Handbook

Looking for the Presbytery Annual Checklist and/or the Clerk's Handbook? Check out the Clerk's Corner.

Section 1: Purpose Statement

Section 2: Standing Rules

Section 3: Operations Manual

Section 4: Policies

Policies of the Presbytery

Policies of the Commission on Ministry

Policies of the Finance Commission

Section 5: Procedures of the Presbytery

Pulpit Supply List

Revised February 5, 2024

Financial Forms for Bookkeepers & Treasurers

Per Capita Information

Per Capita connects Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) congregations and mid-councils with the work of the wider church. As the primary source of funding for the Office of the General Assembly (OGA), it is how Presbyterians mutually and equitably share the costs of moving the church forward in the 21st century.

Per Capita is the primary source of funding for the Presbytery, as well as the Synod and GA, and is how Presbyterians mutually and equitably share the costs of coming together to discern the Spirit's leading for the future.

  • It is how Presbyterians are trained to become better ruling elders, teaching elders and deacons, and ministers.

  • It is how Presbyterians are helped to discern God's call in their lives.

  • It is how Presbyterians participate in the life of the wider church by serving committees and commissions, regardless of distance or financial resources.

  • It is how Presbyterians participate in the life of the Church universal as we commit ourselves to work and live in fellowship with "all persons in every nation" (Book of Order G-4.0101).

Find resources to assist congregations and mid-councils to inform members about Per Capita here.

The presbytery approved the total per capita rate of $37.95 per member for 2024 ($22.65 for presbytery, $5.50 for synod, and $9.80 for General Assembly).

COVID-19 Resources

New Information

Conducting Business

Some of the most pressing questions have been around how to have meetings and keep the regular business going. The Advisory Committee on the Constitution of the Presbyterian Church released this FAQ Final Edited Advisory Opinion Church in an Emergency or Pandemic that should answer many of those questions.

Language for your session to adopt in order to conduct business online and to be clear about suspending activities:

  • Motion 1: Session and committees may call a meeting using electronic means such as video/teleconferencing to conduct church business. (This action must be adopted as an amendment to the congregational by-laws at the next congregational meeting and will be in the by-laws and the Manual of Operations.)
  • Motion 2: Suspend all face-to-face church activities and Worship services until the proper notice has been provided that these activities are allowed to resume. Session must then approve the resumption of activities and Worship services.

Worship Resources

Technology Resources

  • Zoom - Video/teleconferencing software that can be used from nearly any device (including a landline)
  • You also have the option to record on zoom and post for people to watch as they are able.
  • Using Zoom
  • Zoom by Phone
  • Best Practices to prevent “Zoombombing”
    Bruce is a former moderator of PC(USA) and way ahead of most of us in using tech for all things church. He’s hosted two gatherings on how to use Zoom for worship and will be hosting more. 
  • Zoom in Music Mode Tutorial
  • TechSoup - TechSoup supports nonprofits, charities, and libraries by providing access to donations and discounts on software, hardware, and services from major brands. Examples: Quickbooks, Zoom, Mocrosoft office
  • Other ways to connect include: Free Conference Call, Skype, Microsoft Teams, Facebook Live, etc.

Insurance Resources

  • Church Insurance Questions - As you think about how to be a church for the foreseeable future, please contact your insurer for their recommendations. This is a sample of the kinds of things they may ask you to consider when thinking about employee safety and returning to public worship.
  • Church Mutual Insurance – Recommendations for a Safe Return to Worship

Resources from the Insurance Board-Coverages, and suggestions on how to open safely and with all people in mind.

Information Regarding Govermnert Programs for COVID-19

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